The Unitaid Plus Project team attended the Multilateral Initiatives on Malaria (MIM) Society 8thPan-African Malaria Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, from April 21st – 27th, 2024. During the conference, the project sponsored a symposium entitled “Context is Everything: Adapting National PMC Strategies to Community Realities.” See reflections and slides from the conference in our blog post here: Reflections from the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) 8th Pan-African Malaria Conference – PSI.
This webinar was intended for those that were not able to attend the project-sponsored symposium during the MIM2024 conference. The recording, with English and French interpretation, can be found on PSI’s YouTube here: Context is Everything: Adapting National PMC Strategies to Community Realities and speaker information can be found below: