Country Context
Malaria remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five. Cameroon is one of the eleven countries that contribute 70% to the global burden of malaria and as such belongs to the High Burden High Impact (HBHI) initiative. In Cameroon, the number of confirmed cases per 1,000 people at risk fell from 110.5 in 2019 to 106 in 2023, a decrease of about 4%. The mortality rate per 100,000 people at risk fell from 17.7 in 2019 to 6.3 in 2023, a decrease of 64% over the period.
The Cameroon NMCP conducted a stratification exercise in 2019 and 2020 to better target and tailor malaria activities for the highest impact. Based on the epidemiological landscape, seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is only implemented in the Far North and North regions for children 3-59 months. For the eight other regions in the central and southern part of Cameroon, the NMCP wanted a complementary chemoprevention intervention for the under-five population.
The Project Plus is in line with the National Strategic Plan for Malaria Control and aims to significantly reduce the incidence of malaria in infants by administering regular PMC preventive treatment. In Cameroon, the project is being implemented on the model of eight contacts (graphic below) in the Centre region and mainly in the Health Districts of Bafia, Ngoumou, Nkolbisson, Ntui, Soa, and Obala since August 2021.
Although Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) – now called PMC – was already included in Cameroon’s National Malaria Strategy Plan, in September 2021, the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) reviewed and validated the 5-contact PMC strategy and guide, which was officially launched in April 2022 by the Minister of Public Health. To complement the NMCP’s 5-contact PMC strategy, through the Plus Project co-design process, the NMCP, EPI, and other stakeholders selected an 8-contact model to be implemented in 6 districts in the Centre Region.
The chosen PMC model is primarily delivered through health facilities in alignment with the immunization calendar. In areas more than five kilometers from a health facility, ‘Advanced immunization Strategy’ used as an opportunity to reach child and consist for health staff travel to hard-to-reach communities to provide certain health services at community level including PCM, is leveraged to increase access. In addition, community health workers will be critical to sensitize and mobilize caregivers to bring their infants and young children for PMC services. Community Health Workers are also able to administer the chosen PMC model starting from the 6-month contact to infants who have missed their appointment at the health facility.

*The Cameroon Ministry of Health integrated IPTi into their national plan before the nomenclature change, and therefore the Plus Project Cameroon is maintaining the previous nomenclature of IPTi+ for consistency with our national partners.