Health For All
The USAID and PMI funded Health for All (HFA) project supports the Ministry of Health of Angola through its National Directorate of Public Health (DNSP), National Malaria Control Program, and the Primary Health Care Department to improve access to quality health care services for the Angolan people.

With support from HFA (2017–2024):
Improved FP/RH uptake
with 432,635 CYPs
Distributed 6.7M insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in 13 provinces (2017– 2018) and 4M ITNs in 6 provinces (2022–2023)
Malaria Case Fatality Rate
decreased 33%
in PMI-focus provinces
About the
Populations Served
Healthcare Officials, Women & Children, General Population
Malaria, Family Planning, COVID-19, Health Systems Strengthening
2017 -2024
U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Central-level support; Focus Provinces of:
- • Cuanza Norte
- • Lunda Norte
- • Lunda Sul
- • Malange
- • Uige
- • Zaire
USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) Central-level support; Focus Provinces of:
- • Huambo
- • Luanda
- • Lunda Sul
- • Malange
- • Lunda Norte
- • Cuanza Norte
key activities
- Strengthening the quality of diagnosis and treatment of malaria, including the capacity to complete malaria laboratory diagnosis.
- Training health workers to effectively diagnose and treat malaria and technicians on intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy and on case management during pregnancy.
- Implementation of mass campaign to distribute ITNs once every three years in focus provinces and support routine distribution.
- Support developing behavior change communication strategy for malaria prevention and awareness, prompt care seeking, ITNs use and care.
- Roll out of integrated case management at the community level through the ADECOS program, expanding from four to six focus provinces.
- Reinforcing institutional capacity of the NMCP.
- Improving Angola’s DHIS2 platform for malaria surveillance and reporting.
- Support the GRA in the design and implementation of operational research to orient policy and evidence based strategic programing.
Family Planning and Reproductive Health
- Support FP/RH counseling and services by strengthening Government of the Republic of Angola health providers’ capacity.
- Generate demand for voluntary FP/RH services through improved health messages and behavior change communication.
- Improve youth friendly FP/RH services.
- Support the introduction of the FP module into the Provincial Nursing Schools’ curriculum and on the Kassai e-learning platform.
key results
ITN Mass Distribution Campaign 2022-2023
e-Learning –
Introduced in 2020 through USAID and PMI Health for All project and implemented by PSI Angola, the Kassai platform continues to grow and become more familiar to health professionals in Angola. The e-learning digital platform to build the competencies of health workers in public facilities was quickly recognized by the Angolan Ministry of Health (MoH) as part of continuing medical education since 2021.
As of July 2024:
22 courses online & offline: malaria, family planning, COVID-19, maternal & child health
10,684 health professionals enrolled
25,495 certificates issued

Community-Based Malaria Case Management
552 Community Health Workers (CHWs) supported
20 municipalities across 6 provinces
CHWs diagnosed 11 percent of malaria cases in their designated municipalities (2023)
*As of 2023, CHWs also conduct birth-spacing social and behavior change (SBC) activities and make referrals for FP appointments. Over the first 8 months, 159 ADECOS in 7 rural municipalities integrated FP/RH education into their duties, with over 1,000 women starting their chosen contraception method following successful referral to HFs.

Reproductive Health/Family Planning
5,880 students received FP/RH services at 4 technical nursing schools
Over 5,000 students and 150 professors trained
Dicas Kuyuyu (DK)
Platform co-created with Angolan youth, launched in late 2020. DK engages over 3 million young Angolans with FP/RH and gender-based violence content, ensuring gender balance.

COVID-19 Vaccination